
How Long Shall Ye Kick Against the Pricks?

After years of literary snobbery and mass media/cultural denial, I began reading the Harry Potter series. Although I missed the bandwagon by a few years, my faithful wife has turned the wagon around and has plucked me out of a self-induced wasteland. 

There are those who feel I have sold out. My esteemed friend/cousin Lane Wood is utterly disgusted with my recent conversion. In my defense, slabs of stone can only withstand the torrent of rushing waters so long. 

The best part of joining Pottermania is getting to participate in all of the references and jokes which continue to swarm the Internet. Now that we've almost finished the 5th book, I understand and appreciate hilarious jokes such as these:

I'd like to thank Hilary for making all of this possible. Reading these books has been a real treat. 

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