
Semester In Review

Maybe we should blog?

It's crazy to think that this semestFINALS ARE DONEer is over.  I mean, it seems like just yestNO MORE TESTSerday that we were getting geared up to begin our new classes.  Amazing how time flies when you're workSERIOUSLY, NOTHING UNTIL JANUARYing hard and staying busy.

Here is our Semester in Review:

Halloween: Edgar Allan Poe and The Raven

Went to Hawaii (more on that amazing trip later)...
 ...and had six kids.  See our awkward family photo below (one kid missing).

Hil performed throughout the semester with Theatre Ballet and Pete rocked his classes and wowed his English professors with his mad writing skills. We both worked (Vivint and teaching ballet--betcha can guess who did what) and became addicted to Pinterest, our favorite TV shows, and Freakonomics.  

Now that we have a bit more time, expect the bloggin love!

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